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Golem Obsidian
Montreal, QC
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Visit his website to learn more about him and for bookings.

Creative, original, and determined, I am always pushing the boundaries of my art. I offer a multidisciplinary, highly skilled and magical experience. I am passionate about what I do and I thrive in my art.

I have learned lessons from a lot of disciplines but my background comes mostly from music. I played and studied music for more than 15 years now and it really defined me and my style as a performer.

I am involved in many fire crews in Montreal, co-creating projects and building shows. I am also teaching and giving workshops in many events.

Fire Manipulation Specialist
-Fire eating
-Fire breathing
-Fire prop manipulation and special effects

Expert Flow Artist
-Multidisciplinary oject manipulator and juggler
-Twirling baton (1-4)
-Contact Staff
-Chain Staff
-Flower Stick
-Contact Juggling

Other skills
-Complete musical formation
-Guitar, vocal and percussion
-Rhythm and musicality
-Musical composition and writing